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Learn Ansible Network Automation
[NEW} - Welcome to my course - FREE PREVIEW (2:30)
What is Ansible? (4:05)
Getting Started
[NEW] How to install Ansible 2.9 on an Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop (5:30)
[NEW] Setting up your environment - FREE PREVIEW (4:05)
[NEW] Installing Visual Studio Code (4:50)
VI, Sublime or Atom - Choose your Editor (6:55)
Virtual Network Devices
Introduction to EVE-NG and Cisco CSR1000V Routers (5:31)
Ansible Basics
Introduction to YAML (4:19)
[NEW] Ansible Hosts file and Ansible.cfg file - FREE PREVIEW (11:41)
[NEW] Group_Vars & Host_Vars (8:19)
[NEW} Ansible Network Modules - Using IOS_Command Module - First Playbook Run (11:37)
[NEW] Saving output to a text file - running show version command and saving output (8:50)
[NEW] Your first production playbook - Backup Configuration Files from Cisco Routers (7:37)
[NEW] Using Ansible_Date_Time to create date based folders (12:07)
[NEW] Your first configuration using Ansible (12:22)
[NEW] Configuration continuted - IOS_Config with Jinja2 template (12:42)
[NEW[ Nexus Configuration using NXOS-Config module - Adding Nexus devices to Host file (10:20)
Capturing output from Cisco commands (20:56)
Using WHEN to selectively apply configurations
Ansible Regex Example NTP Server (9:21)
Ansible Vault
Why encrypt your files? (2:28)
Encrypting files with Ansible Vault (6:01)
Using Encrypted files for Playbook runs (5:25)
Version Control using GIT
Setup GIT Locally and enable version control - then push to Github and Clone folder to your machine (15:11)
Connecting to a Cisco Wireless LAN Controller using Ansible (5:37)
Configuration Management
[NEW] How to use Ansible to Generate Network Configurations from Templates (17:42)
[NEW] Pushing your created configs to target devices (7:59)
Basic Configuration on a Virtaul F5 BIG-IP Appliance (7:02)
Basic Configuration of Juniper Router
Conclusion - What are the next steps?
Ansible vs Nornir? (8:41)
Teach online with
[NEW] Configuration continuted - IOS_Config with Jinja2 template
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